Expressions of interest for the Bronze Medallion are now being sought. Register by filling out the – EOI Bronze Medallion
Next induction – 9th March 2025 10am in the hall
Expressions of interest for the IRB Crewperson course are now being sought. Register by filling out the Jotform – EOI IRB CREW
Toowoon Bay SLSC’s aim is to train and educate our active patrolling members to the highest standard, providing opportunities for skills based development to effectively patrol our beach.
The education and training teams at both Toowoon Bay SLSC and Surf Life Saving Central Coast Headquarters provide opportunities for members to constantly add new skills and increase their capabilities as an active patrolling member.
Surf Life Saving offers members a range of lifesaving awards. Some are required to perform certain roles within a club, and others are aimed at providing further development opportunities for our volunteers.
There are several awards you can gain to start patrolling and courses are available to new or current members. If you are interested in enrolling in any of these courses, please contact our Chief Training Officer at cto.toowoonbayslsc@gmail.com or contact, Administration Support Officer at office.toowoonbayslsc@gmail.com or have a chat with your Patrol Captain on the Beach.
For more information on where membership with Toowoon Bay SLSC can take you, visit the Lifesaving & Education Pathways page, or the SLS NSW Lifesaving Awards page.
Click here for the link to the SLSCC 2021/22 Education Course Calendar
Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)
From the age of 13, anyone can achieve their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC). The SRC provides participants with the skills and knowledge related to surf awareness, aquatic rescue operations, communication systems and equipment and resuscitation. It is recommended for members who wish to perform in the role of SLS water safety personnel or take on a lifesaving cadetship and join a lifesaving patrol.
First Aid (AID)
Develops skills and knowledge to manage emergency first aid situations until professional medical support is available. This course is recognised by WorkCover NSW.
First Aid (AID) courses are provided by SLSCC and SLSNSW.
For information on First Aid (AID) courses facilitated by SLSCC Tuggerah, follow this link: SLSCC Course Calendar
For information on First Aid (AID) courses facilitated by SLSNSW (various locations), follow this link: SLSNSW First Aid (AID)
Beyond the Bronze Medallion, there are many other opportunities to continue your learning as a Surf Life Saver.
These include: