Gold Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses that have partnered with Toowoon Bay SLSC

Would you like to become a Gold Sponsor – $2000 – $5000?
Some of the things a Gold Sponsorship could buy:
Rescue Boards and Racing Mals
Racing Skis
An IRB Motor
Props and Prop Guards
Surf Club Kit (for IRB’s)
Go towards purchase of an IRB fully fitted out
Repairs and maintenance on all equipment
IPads (to update stats, sign onto patrols, add incidents etc)
Nipper Boards and Mals
Nipper and Stingray (inclusive nippers) equipment
Training Equipment (Bronze, ART, FA courses – manikins, training defibs etc)
Fuel for IRB’s
If you would like to become a Gold Sponsor, please contact our Sponsorship Team – Karen and Mick – at